What a great adventure. Peata Ruadh is getting ready to leave everything he knows. Young puffins leave for the first time to spend the next 4 or 5 years out at sea. Older puffins make the yearly departure  to spend the winter at sea.

The story of how a young puffin goes to sea

What a great adventure. Peata Ruadh is getting ready to leave everything he knows. Young puffins leave for the first time to spend the next 4 or 5 years out at sea. Older puffins make the yearly departure to spend the winter at sea.

The anticipation and excitement of the puffins departing for winter is captured in this Peata Ruadh story.
Packing a rucksack.
Waiting for the wind to change direction.
Acoustic Sea Caves.
Metamorphic Sea Arches.
Sea Stacks.
But most of all his own insticts.
Are you ready to join Peata Ruadh on his first ever departure to sea?
Single Book £5.99


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